Latest News & Notices
Notice of 75th AGM
The 75th Annual General Meeting of the members of Chellarams Pic wil be held virtually on 21″ November, 2024 at 1.00 pm.
2024 Annual Report published
Chairman’s Statement

Members of the Regulatory Agencies, Distinguished Shareholders, Gentlemen of the Press, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It affords me great pleasure to welcome you all to the 74th Annual General Meeting of Our Group and to present to you the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023.
It is gratifying that Covid-19 Pandemic challenges which lasted till end of December 2021, was relaxed in first quarter of year 2022 with global growth slowed down to 3.2% which was 1% percent weaker than the achievement of 2021. Equally affected is the negative impact on supply chain, high inflation and climate change.
Nigeria achieved a GDP growth rate of 3.1% in 2022 from 3.4% reported in year 2021 while performance in Agriculture, Manufacturing and the Oil Sectors declined. However, Services sector, especially tele-communications and financial sector, witnessed a boost in performance. Overall, the operating environment in 2022 for Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria was extremely challenging as businesses had to face various headwinds and uncertainties with negative impacts caused by Russia-Ukraine war with its serious disruptions on Raw Materials supply globally.
In 2022, the average spot price of Nigeria’s crude oil, the Bonny Light, was higher than its average price in the previous year, unfortunately, due to relatively low volume production, Nigeria could not take advantage of reaping higher earnings. Foreign Exchange (Forex) rates went up in 2022 from N418/$1 to N461 /$1 at year end due to scarcity of forex which led to increased pressure on the sourcing of the forex from I & E window thus driving up input costs for Manufacturing and Trading Sectors of the economy. The Country’s foreign Exchange Reserve declined to USD 37.1 Billion by December 2022 as against $40.5 Billion achieved in December 2021.
Nigeria’s Annual inflation rate rose to 21.3% in December 2022 compared with 15.6% as at December 2021. This high inflationary rate impacted on consumers’ purchasing power with its attendant snow-ball effect on volume of sales.
As your Organization remain committed to extending CSR within our operating environment, we incurred the following outlay on CSR during the reporting year:-
(a) Scholarship to various Nigerian Students (b) Bursaries to Sons/ Daughters of our employees (c) Financial Assistance to Employees‘ Parents (d) Medical Assistance to Nigerian patients Grand Total | N 3,214,556 456,326 241,750 1,208,753 5,121,385 |
As the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected a decline in growth in the global economy from 3.4% in 2022 to 2.9% in 2023 in addition to galloping inflation within Nigeria’s Domestic Economy, the business outlook for year 2023 is expected to remain volatile. However, with the positive outcome of General Election held in Nigeria in February/March 2023 and indeed the inauguration of new President in Nigeria on 29 May, 2023, the Businesses environment should slowly rejuvenate irrespective of the inevitable cut back on spending which the Fuel Subsidies and ongoing reforms of Monetary and fiscal policies by new Government would impact on Businesses generally.
Despite these challenges, Your Board of Directors will continue to take measures that should sustain the average annual growth embarked upon from the Reporting Financial Year and indeed on that of current Financial Year.
Please allow me to express my profound gratitude to my colleagues on the Board of our Group for their sacrifices by providing pro bono services for the last Three years and indeed to the Managing Director and His top management team for resolving the banking issues amicably with our Financial Institutions which should tremendously aid our continued recovery efforts. I must also pay tribute to our Staff for their understanding during the difficult period of re-organization embarked upon to stimulate revival of our Group.
God bless you all.

Otunba Solomon Kayode Onofowokan, OON CHAIRMAN
Below are links to view Chellarams financial reports, including our latest performance report and annual reviews. These reports will help you to better understand Chellarams from both a financial and business standpoint.

PKF House, 205A Ikorodu Road,
Obanikoro, Lagos State.

2 Burma Road, Apapa, Lagos.
P.M.B 12717,
Lagos, Nigeria.
+234 1 279 3161

Ehimare E. Isiramen Esq.
Plot 110/114, Oshodi Apapa Expressway,
Isolo, Lagos, Nigeria.
+234 1 773 3838 / 39 / 40
For any unpaid dividend claim, please contact:
GTL Registrars
2 Burma Road, Apapa, Lagos.
P.M.B 12717, Lagos, Nigeria.
+234 1 279 3160 / 1 / 2
Click here for Unclaimed Dividend Summary List
Complaints Management Policy
1. Preamble
This policy is established to ensure that:
Complaints about management function are investigated fairly and possible conflicts of interest are identified and mitigated.
Shareholders of the company are provided an avenue to express their reservations about the direction of the company on any matter.
Companies/firms shall post their Complaint Management Policies on their website.
Complaints are dealt with under a uniform body of rules and regulations and in an appropriate manner.
Information on complaints on complaints and complaints-handling to the relevant Competent Authority on a quarterly basis as directed by Securities and Exchange Commission.
2. The under listed complaints shall not be handled under the Complaint Management Framework of the Nigerian Capital Market:
Complaints against private wound up and liquidated companies.
Complaints on matters that are sub-judice or in arbitration.
Complaints falling outside the purview of the Securities and Exchange Commission
3. Procedure for making complaints
Every complaint received by email shall be acknowledged within two (2) working days. Where complaints are received by post, the company shall respond in writing within five (5) working days of the receipt of the complaint. Copies of the complaint and the acknowledgement letter shall be forwarded to SEC.
All complaints shall be resolved by the company within ten (10) working days from the date the complaint was received. The Competent Authority shall be notified of the resolution of the complaint within two (2) working days.
Where the complaint is not resolved within the given timeframe, the complainant or company shall refer the complaint to SEC within two (2) working days. The letter of referral shall be accompanied by a summary of proceedings of events leading to the referral and copies of relevant supporting documents.
All complaints shall be referred to the SEC within two (2) working days. The letter of referral shall be accompanied by a summary of proceedings of events leading to the referral and copies of relevant supporting documents.
4. Complaints lodged at first Instance
Complaints against the company may be lodged at first instance with the company.
All complaints lodged at first instance shall be resolved within twenty (20) working days.
For all complaints that are not resolved thereafter, the outcome shall be referred to SEC within five (5) working days.
5. Complaints Referred to SEC
Where the complainant is not satisfied with the decision of the company, the matter shall be referred by the complainant to the SEC within two working days.
Complaints referred by the company to SEC shall be resolved within twenty (20) working days of receipt of the complaint.
The letter of referral shall be accompanied by a summary of proceedings of events leading to the referral and copies of relevant supporting documents, within two (2) working days.
Failure to forward a summary of proceeding within the specified timeframe shall attract a sanction in line with the rules and regulations of the Commission.
6.Complaints Lodged at first Instance with the SEC
The following complaints may be lodged at first instance with the SEC:
Complaints against operators by SEC.
Trade manipulation, accounting frauds, Ponzi schemes and such other complaints as may be determined by the SEC from time to time.
In the case of (a) the SEC shall acknowledge receipt of complaints received from complainants by email, within five (5) working days.
In the case of (b), once a complaint is lodged at the SEC, the SEC shall;
Assess the complaint and decide whether the subject matter falls under the purview of SEC or whether it needs to be referred to another entity. The SEC shall assess the complaint within ten (10) working days.
After the assessment and where the SEC has ascertained that a complaint is within its purview, it shall launch an investigation to verify the assertions made in the complaint.
investigation shall be concluded within thirty (30) working days or for an extended time as the SEC deems fit.
Where it is determined by investigation that there is a prima facie case to be answered, the matter may be referred to the Administrative Proceedings Committee of SEC or where it is determined that a crime has been committed the matter shall be referred to the appropriate criminal agency for prosecution.
7. Complaints Referred to the SEC from relevant Competent Authorities
In cases where complaints are referred to the SEC from relevant Competent Authorities, the SEC shall:
Review the complaint and decide whether the subject matter falls under the purview of SEC or whether it needs to be referred to another entity. The SEC shall review the complaint within five (5) working days.
Where SEC determines that it falls within its purview, it shall resolve the complaint within twenty (20) working days or for an extended time as the SEC deems fit.
Complainants not satisfied with resolutions /decisions reached by SEC reserve the right to proceed to the Investments and Securities Tribunal (IST)
8. Register of Complaints:
The company shall maintain an electronic Complaints Register.
The Complaints Register shall contain the following details:
Name of the complainant
Date of the complaint
Nature of complaint
Complaints details in brief
The Complaints Register shall be up dated monthly.
Status reports of complaints filed with the entities shall be forwarded to the SEC quarterly.
1.1 To outline Chellarams Plc’s share dealing policy which is applicable to all of its employees, directors, officers, contractors, agents, auditors or audit committee members, consultants and shareholders holding 5% or more of any class of Chellarams Plc’s securities (together “Applicable Persons”).
1.2 As Chellarams Plc’s shares are listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Chellarams Plc is obliged to comply with the rules of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, the Investments and Securities Act as well as Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Rules and Regulations 2013 (“SEC Rules”), SEC Code of Corporate Governance for Public Companies 2013, the Companies and Allied Matters Act 2004 (“CAMA”), The Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria Act (“FRCN”) (together the “Relevant Securities Laws”).
1.3 The Relevant Nigerian Securities Laws imposes restrictions on dealings in the securities of a listed company (which would include shares) to ensure that employees and certain other persons do not abuse, and do not place themselves under suspicion of abusing price sensitive information that they may have or be perceived to have.
1.4 Care must therefore be taken in the timing of any ‘Dealings’ in Chellarams Plc’s shares.
2.1 It is expressly prohibited for any Applicable Person or Connected Person to Deal in Chellarams Plc’s shares when:
they have Inside Information; or
they are notified by Chellarams Plc that trading is prohibited for a fixed period or until further notice.
2.2 Employee Insiders (as defined below) may not Deal in Chellarams Plc’s shares without obtaining clearance to Deal in advance in accordance with paragraph 6 (Clearance to Deal).
2.3 A breach of this Policy constitutes a serious employee disciplinary offence, which could result in dismissal, and may also expose Applicable Persons or Connected Persons to criminal and/or civil sanctions.
2.4 For the avoidance of doubt, this Policy is a supplement to, and not a substitute for any of the Relevant Securities Law.
The following definitions are referred to within this Policy:
“Connected Persons” include:
the spouse or civil partner;
any children (including step-children) under 18 years of age;
a nominee, including an investment manager managing funds on their behalf;
a trust of which they, any member of their family, or any family controlled company, are the trustee or beneficiary;
a person in partnership with them or any of their connected persons mentioned in (a) to (c) above (acting in his or her capacity as such); or
a company which they or their family control.
“Deal” or “Dealing” includes:
any acquisition or disposal of, or agreement to acquire or dispose of the shares of the Company;
entering into a contract (including a contract for difference) the purpose of which is to secure a profit or avoid a loss by reference to fluctuations in the price of the shares of the Company;
the grant, acceptance, acquisition, disposal, exercise or discharge of any option to acquire or dispose of any of the shares of the Company;
entering into, or terminating, assigning or novating any stock lending agreement in respect of the shares of the Company;
using as security, or otherwise granting a charge, lien or other encumbrance over the shares of the Company;
any transaction, including a transfer for nil consideration, or the exercise of any power or discretion effecting a change of ownership of a beneficial interest in the shares of the Company; or
exercising any other right or fulfilling any obligation, present or future, conditional or unconditional, to acquire or dispose of any securities of the Company.
“Inside Information” is information of a nature which:
is not generally available to the general market; and
would, if generally available, be likely to have a significant effect on the price of Chellarams Plc’s shares.
“Employee Insiders” are Applicable Persons who are considered to have access to Inside Information on a regular or occasional basis and would automatically include:
all Directors of Chellarams Plc;
all Directors and Managers of Chellarams Plc’s Subsidiaries;
all Senior Executives of Chellarams Plc;
all Senior Executives of Chellarams Plc’s Subsidiaries;
certain members of the Finance division;
certain members of the Corporate Affairs division;
certain members of the Legal department;
certain members of the Information Technology department;
certain Personal Assistants; Executive Assistants/Administrative Assistants tot eh above roles;
any other person designated as an Employee Insider by any Director or Officer of Chellarams Plc, from time to time; and
acting as trustee: where a person to whom this policy applies acts as a trustee of a trust, this policy may also apply to dealings undertaken by that trust. Persons to whom this is relevant should seek further information from the Group Company Secretary/Legal Adviser.
If you are in doubt regarding whether you are classified as an Employee Insider, you must check with the Group Company Secretary/Legal Adviser. The Company Secretarial maintains a register of all Employee Insiders.
“Prohibited Period” is any Close Period or any period when there exists any matter which constitutes Insider Information in relation to Chellarams Plc.
4.1 As an Applicable Person, you must not Deal in Chellarams Plc’s shares if you are in possession of Inside Information or if you are notified by Chellarams Plc that trading is prohibited for a fixed period under further notice. If you are in any doubt as to whether information you possess is Inside Information you should contact the Group Company Secretary/Legal Adviser before you Deal.
4.2 Your obligation not to Deal while in possession of Inside Information also applies to Dealing in shares of another company if such Inside Information would possibly have a significant effect on the price of the shares of that other company. For example, if Chellarams Plc was in negotiations to acquire another listed company or be sold to another listed company, share trading in both companies would be prohibited during the period of such negotiations.
4.3 If you are in possession of Inside Information, the prohibition on Dealing also applies to people connected to your ‘Connected Persons’ (see the above definition).
4.4 This Policy applies to all securities you now own, or may in the future acquire, whether you or any Connected Person hold such securities directly or indirectly.
5.1 All Employee Insiders (or any Connected Persons) must not Deal in any securities of Chellarams Plc without obtaining clearance to Deal in advance in accordance with paragraph 6 (Clearance to Deal).
5.2 This restriction is designed in particular to protect Directors and Senior Executives who do not have access to Inside Information which may be known to the other members of the Board or who may be unable to correctly to assess the significance of the information. The object is to prevent embarrassment to the person concerned, the Board and Chellarams Plc as a whole.
5.3 The Group Company Secretary/Legal Adviser will be able to provide you with a form for you to complete your request for authorisation to Deal.
6.1 An Employee Insider who wishes to Deal in any securities of Chellarams Plc must first notify the Director designated by the Board for this purpose and must not Deal without first receiving clearance from him. This is in addition to the requirement that Directors and other insiders must notify SEC not later than 48 hours of sale and purchase of their shares under the SEC Rules. Provided that such notification does not relieve the Employee Insider of the obligation to comply with the provisions of any law or rules relating to insider trading.
6.2 If the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director or the Director designated by the Board for the purposes of paragraph 6.1, wishes to Deal in any securities of Chellarams Plc, he must first notify the Board and must not Deal without first receiving clearance from the Board in a Board meeting.
6.3 A response to a request for clearance to Deal must be given to the relevant Employee Insider within five business days of the request being made.
6.4 Chellarams Plc will maintain a record of the response to any Dealing request made by an Employee Insider and of any clearance given. A copy of the response and clearance (if any) must be given to the Employee Insider concerned.
6.5 An Employee Insider who is given clearance to Deal in accordance with this paragraph 6 (Clearance to Deal) must Deal as soon as being received excluding the day on which clearance was given. A fresh clearance must be sought if the dealing is not completed within this period. Failure to comply with this time period is a serious disciplinary matter and may also constitute a criminal offence.
6.6 An Employee Insider must not be given clearance to Deal in any security of Chellarams Plc during:
a Prohibited Period;
on considerations of a s short term nature (an investment with a maturity of one year or less will always be considered of a short term nature); or
at any time when the person responsible for the clearance otherwise has reasons to believe that the proposed Dealing is in breach of this Code.
6.7 In exceptional circumstances, an Employee Insider who is not in possession of Inside Information in relation to Chellarams Plc may be given clearance to sell, but not to purchase, securities to alleviate severe personal hardship. Examples of the type of circumstance which may be considered exceptional for these purposes would be where severe personal hardship would otherwise result to an Employee Insider or his immediate relatives such as the urgent need for a medical operation or to satisfy a court order where no other funds are reasonably available.
7.1 Employee Insiders (and any Connected Persons) are prohibited from Dealing in Chellarams Plc’s shares during:
The 60 days preceding the announcement of the interim and full year results; or
If shorter, the period between the end of the relevant financial period and the announcement of associated results (a “Close Period”).
7.2 Employee Insiders will be given notice by the Group Company Secretary/Legal Adviser when Chellarams Plc is about to enter a Close Period.
As you know, every Applicable Person is under an obligation to Chellarams Plc to ensure they do not disclose confidential information concerning Chellarams Plc, its business or its clients to anyone except in the necessary course of business. It is therefore important that you do not discuss confidential information in situations where it may be overheard, nor participate in discussions regarding decisions by others about investments in Chellarams Plc.
This Policy may be amended, revised or modified at any time. Any such amendments, revisions or modifications will be disseminated through Chellarams Plc.