MTC Foundation
The Murli T. Chellaram Foundation (MTC Foundation), established in honour and memory of the immediate past-chairman, is Chellarams Plc’s charitable organization. Through the MTC Foundation, Chellarams Plc gives back to our host communities.
Our philanthropic activities span a number of causes, including education, primary health and aid to the physically challenged. It is our goal to empower the disadvantaged of our society, to give them the opportunities to raise themselves up and become productive members of our larger society.
The Foundation’s Support also saw to the formation of a Strategic Partnership with the University of Lagos in fostering an Entrepreneurial Mind-set and Culture through Learning and Development Interventions targeted at members and non-members of the University of Lagos Community. This is achieved through our Nirmala Chellarams Centre for Entrepreneurship Skills (NCCES) – Visit our website for more information
The Nirmala Chellarams Centre for Entrepreneurship Skills (NCCES) is an On-Campus Enterprise Development Centre created with the sole purpose of advocating for and promoting entrepreneurship via Learning and Development Interventions for both members and non-members of the University Community. Our interventions are achieved through Learning, Development and Vibrant Community Initiatives.
Visit our website for more information:
Special Persons Association of Nigeria
Chellarams is committed to adding value to the communities where we do business specifically by supporting the Special Persons Association of Nigeria. We have donated over 250 customised handicapped tricycles to the association to create and promote the culture of cycling in Nigeria. We also support the association with yearly financial donations and provide scholarships to outstanding students who are members of the association.
Sponsorship of “Mr. Flex Nigeria” Championship
Chellarams’ commitment to promoting healthy living amongst Nigerians is one of the key drivers of our sponsorship of the annual Mr. Flex Nigeria competition. The body building championship (Mr. Flex Nigeria) is a platform through which Nigerian bodybuilders are prepared for participation in the International Bodybuilding championships. We also sign deserving winners of the competition as brand ambassadors for our Real Milk brand and they also win a Power-Bike.
Sponsorship of YMedia Park n Ride
We are proud to be associated with the annual Ymedia Park n Ride project, a two-hours 10km bicycle roundtrip ride within Lagos State metropolitan estates. The primary goal of the project is to promote and support alternative transportation, healthy living and an environmentally friendly future. Kids that participate in the event are rewarded with bicycles as gifts to carry on the culture of cycling and exercising.
Other initiatives that have benefitted from our support over the years include: “Seeing is believing” – a Standard Chartered Bank initiative to tackle avoidable blindness in communities in Nigeria; Walk for Standard in collaboration with the Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON); Ymedia Go-Green Initiative; Monetary donation towards Nigerian Union of Journalism (NUJ) union week and scholarships for children of slain NUJ members
SPAN Sponsorship
As a responsive and resposible corporate entity, Chellarams Plc has always contributed to the development of the society in one way or the other. One of such is the support for NGOs that focus on developing talents, alleviating the plight of the needy and other less priviledge member of the society.
In furtherance of this course, Chellarams has continued to partner with the Society for the Performing Arts in Nigeria (SPAN), by donating about 2 million Naira, yearly to the organisation programme, in its bid to provide the much needed opportunity for talented and gifted persons in the ssociety. The foundation offers both formal and in-formal classes to talented children and youths in the community, through its perfoming arts centers. Cosequently, the people are emppowered through their Godf-given talents, to educate and bring positive change to their communities in particular and the Nigerian nation and the world in general